The consultation on the White Paper closes on the 2nd September. SEDA exec would like to formulate a SEDA response and would welcome your views, particularly on the following which stem from Chapter 2:
· The perceived link between information for prospective students and enhancing teaching excellence
· Concerns about variations of student workload across subjects and institutions
· Promotion routes which recognise teaching
· Incentives for universities to focus on teaching
· The publication of information for prospective and existing students about the teaching qualifications, fellowships and expertise of their teaching staff at all levels.
And from chapter 3 your views on this paragraph:
We want to ensure that English universities are at the forefront of
improvements in formal and informal feedback from students on their learning
experience. We believe that allowing students and lecturers within a university
to see this feedback at individual module level will help students to choose the
best course for them and drive an improvement in the quality of teaching.
So we expect all universities to publish summary reports of their student
evaluation surveys on their websites by 2013/14. Before this, we will work
with the Higher Education Council for England (HEFCE), the National Union of
Students (NUS) and others, to agree the information and format that will be
most helpful to students.
Any responses received by 1st September will feed into the SEDA response.
Kind regards
Julie Hall
SEDA co-chair