Monday, 19 December 2011

Seasons Greeting from SEDA co-chair

Thank you to everybody who has been involved in whatever way with making 2011 such a good year for SEDA. Highlights have included:
  • Sucessfully working with JISC as first professional body to receive funding from them  to co-ordinate the Embedding IT project . This has now led to a number of professional bodies, including SEDA receiving funding as part of the DIGITAL LITERACIES project.
  • Two excellent conferences - one in Chester and one in Aston Business School which broke all records for attendance and twitter chat
  • Invitations to contribute to the Govt HE White Paper on enhancing teaching
  • Re-design of the SEDA Fellowship Programme and relaunch as the national recognition route for educational developers
  • Contributing to the consultation on the UKPSF
  • Making stronger links with NUS, UUK, ALDinHE, JORUM, HEDG and QAA
  • Running first joint event with HE Academy
  • The growth in numbers of universities and colleges wanting to develop SEDA Professional Development Programmes
  • Welcoming new members onto SEDA executive
  • Appointing Shan Wareing as Fellowships co-ordinator and  David Baume as Digital Literacies Project Officer
  • Creating a new committee, chaired by Tony Brand to look after membership and entrepeneurial activity
  • a SEDA JISC list which continues to buzz at the heart of educational development with discussion, debate and the collective wisdom on which SEDA thrives
I am sorry if I have missed anything or anybody. Thank you once again and all best wishes for 2012.

Julie Hall
Director of Leanring and Teaching Enhancement
University of Roehampton