Friday, 29 July 2011

Message from Dr Shan Wareing new SEDA Fellowships Co-ordinator

Fellowships co ordinator.

I’m introducing myself as the new SEDA Fellowships Co-ordinator, a role I’m delighted to take on, as a chance to promote and support this really important area. I only appreciated how important SEDA has been to me when I put my National Teaching Fellowship application together this year. Using the application to review my work over the last 16 years made me realise how profound SEDA's role in my own professional development has been.

I will be the first point of contact for anyone thinking about applying for Associate Fellowship, Fellowship or Senior Fellowship, so give me a ring (020 7514 8051) or drop me an email ( 

Information about the new scheme is now available on the SEDA website under Fellowships.  The recent changes hopefully make the scheme easier to join and have streamlined the processes for gaining professional recognition at the level that’s right for you at the moment.  We’re seeking feedback so drop me a line if there’s anything you want to ask or tell me about the scheme.

I had my first phone call this week with someone interested in applying for the Senior Fellowship – a very enjoyable half an hour talking about educational development work and how the Fellowship scheme might fit into future plans.  I’m really looking forward to working with the community of SEDA Fellows at all three levels in the future.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011


  • The Universities White Paper says, ' We encourage higher education institutions to publish anonymised information for prospective and existing students about the teaching qualifications, fellowships and expertise of their teaching staff at all levels.' HEFCE will lead on this and respond by April 2012. SEDA is keen to be involved in the consultation and would welcome your views.

  • SEDA exec has been asked to contribute to another Times Higher article on qualifications to teach in HE so look out for the usual arguments for and against once again :)

  • We have had lots of high quality applications for the posts of tutor and course leader of the new Supporting and Leading Educational Change Programme. The panel will be able to announce results  very soon. Thank you to all applicants. The programme will begin in October.

  • SEDA Summer School starts next week.This programme is always positively evaluated by participants and we wish all involved best wishes for another successful 'school'.

  • SEDA website front page is being revamped over the summer. We hope you'll like it. We have added a news section and will add twitter and blog links. Thanks to all those who responded to this blog with such suggestions.