Monday, 9 July 2012

News Since May AGM - and apologies

Apologies for lack of posts over last few months. I think I have experienced the typical lull in blog enthusiasm after a few months and it was beginning to feel onerous when my institutional role was so busy. This is one of the hazards of having a SEDA co-chair who can offer an authentic voice from the from line of UK educational development - the front line is often so taxing that SEDA gets rather squeezed out.

So here is some selected news since the May Annual General Meeting:
  1. The SEDA 2010-11 Annual report was presented at the AGM at the Chester Conference. The report indicated that despite a challenging year, SEDA's activities remained impressive and there was lots of evidence of good levels of engagement. membership income was robust and conferences had been very well attended. The report is available on the SEDA website
  2. A number of colleagues stood for positions on the SEDA executive. SEDA welcomes new executive members, a new vice chair Pam Parker City University and Stephen Bostock from Keele and Glyndwr Universities as co-chair. Further iformation is available on the website
  3. Roz Grimmitt is back from Argentina and is now heading up the SEDA office again.We are very pleased to have her back. Thanks to Silvia Sovic who covered while Roz was away and Ann Aitkin for the extra hours put in. SEDA continues to monitor admin processes to ensure efficiencies.
  4. SEDA Summer School starts today. This year it has some sponsored places from JISC as part of the  Digital Literacies and Professional Associations project. SEDA also has a new Digital Literacies SIG linked to the project.
  5. SEDA has run 3 very popular workshops to help members prepare for developing schemes mapped to the new UKPSF. Presentations can be found here
  6. The November Developing the Developers conference will take place in  Aston Business School. David Willetts will be one of the keynote speakers and the theme is excellence on teaching in HE. More info here
  7. A good number of SEDA members are heading to Bangkok next week for the conference of the International Consortium of Educational Development and the ICED council. It will be very interesting to benchmark ourselves against other associations workdwide.
  8. SEDA Twitter now has over 1000 followers @Seda_UK_

SEDA 20th Birthday celebration are being planned for 2013 with a Gala dinner, birthday awards and special publications and events.Check out the website for info...